T is for Time Zones and Time Difference

April 21, 2019 · Written by Flori Fama

Don't mind me adding animals to my post. I've been missing drawing them so much. While I was out at a bar with my bf a week ago, we were talking about what version of my color palette I should use for the T (bright or dark) and he gave me the wonderful idea to use both given that we are talking about time.

Time zones can be one of the biggest drawbacks of an LDR. You could be both distant in time and space. It's odd how you can be closer physically but it's still challenging to talk to your partner because of time difference. In the movie “Going the Distance”, they live on opposite coasts in the US and communication becomes very frustrating for them.


Admittedly, I don't have a lot of experience in this area because time zones are hardly an issue for us. I touched on this in letter P. I'm always 1 or 2 hours ahead. Whenever they switch to daylight saving time, we see it as a plus because we feel closer to each other (at least time wise). And we can also be grateful for not getting jet lag when we visit each other. The only time we were affected by time zones was before being a couple, during our friendship, when I went to Southeast Asia and we were 12 hours apart.

If you have any experience with time difference being a problem, let me know in the comments. I'm interested in reading how you deal with it. And since I mentioned a movie, can you recommend any others about LDRs?


U is for Uncertainty


S is for Saying Goodbye is the Hardest